Merit Recruitment Diagnostics

Our Approach

Are governments recruiting candidates with the best skills and competencies for the job? 

Our merit recruitment diagnostics combine surveys of civil servants, surveys of personnel managers and administrative records to help governments understand where and how to improve the design and implementation of merit recruitment in public administration .

Results Presentation in Bangladesh


Governments have conducted merit recruitment diagnostics with us to-date

Spotlight on Kosovo

With the Government of Kosovo, we conducted a civil service survey and a survey of personnel managers to diagnose merit recruitment across central government institutions, independent institutions and municipalities. The results were instrumental for the development of the new Law of Public Officials which strengthens merit recruitment in public service.

Download the report here.

Selected projects

Cross-country reports

Making Merit Recruitment Work: Lessons from and for the Western Balkans

Merit Recruitment in the Western Balkans: An evaluation of Change between 2015 and 2019

Improving the Implementation of Merit Recruitment Procedures in the Western Balkans: Analysis and Recommendations

Contact us to Conduct a Merit Recruitment Diagnostic